We find you the best available deals for your favorite services. For online DVD rentals, Blockbuster Total Access currently offers the best deals. When you order from Blockbuster Online, you pay one flat monthly rate and rent as many movies as you want throughout each and every month of the year. There are no due dates, late fees or rental extension fees to worry about.
Blockbuster Total Access offers several monthly rental options, which range from $9.99 to $47.99 a month. The most popular choice is the $17.99 a month package, which allows you to order three DVDs at a time. Currently, the first month for the $17.99 plan is offered to new members for $9.99. You have access to unlimited rentals for the duration of each month, and a new movie is sent to you each time you return one of your current rentals.
Blockbuster has always been known for its great variety of movie selections. The online service is no exception. You can search for your favorites by category such as genre (i.e., horror, comedy, drama, action/adventure, etc.) or by type (i.e., independent, children's or documentary).
Each of the main categories has sub-categories to search through to help you find the specific films you are looking for. For example, if you are searching for the horror film Invasion of the Body Snatchers, you may find it in the Alien Invasion or Sci-Fi sub-categories under Horror. In addition to the user-friendly Blockbuster Online web site and the affordable monthly rental rates, Blockbuster Total Access gives members two in-store free movie rental coupons per month. Sign up today to start taking advantage of these amazing deals! |